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Shape your investment research workflow autonomously with the OpenBB Terminal Pro.

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"One of the only industries yet to be conquered by open source, OpenBB has unlocked what has been missing for a Quant to quickly become productive. With out-of-the-box aggregation of multiple sources of high quality data and provision of numerous sophisticated analysis tools, OpenBB Terminal 2.0 can help anyone perform investment research like a professional. And with the open and flexible new SDK, Python is the limit! We have successfully integrated OpenBB Terminal 2.0 using the SDK into our investment research workflows."

José Governo, CFA

TERA Capital


OpenBB delivered a fantastic, engaging presentation on investment concepts and also how we can use their investment research platform. I loved how any of us students can access it anytime, as all the information is in one place and I no longer need to spend ages looking online! Best of all, all the technical information we need is free - and technical knowledge in finance is often the area students struggle with most.

Joely To

Co-Head of Sponsorships

The AUEB Students’ Investment & Finance Club

OpenBB conducted a workshop on the functionalities of the OpenBB Terminal and showcased how it can be utilized to carry out thorough financial and economic research. Because of this workshop, we have started integrating the OpenBB platform in our projects which include global markets reports, equity research reports and similar. OpenBB allows us to have easy access to quality yet free financial data.

Foivos Moraitinis


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OpenBB Terminal Pro

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