Access financial data for free with our OpenBB Platform.

Our open-source platform integrates almost 100 different data sources from asset classes such as equity, options, crypto, forex, macro economy, and much more. And you can now access it using our Platform CLI (command line interface).

A single endpoint for accessing financial data

Accessing financial data is a challenging process that takes too long. Our Platform simplifies this by providing a single endpoint to connect with almost 100 different data sources.

A single endpoint for accessing financial data


The OpenBB CLI replaced the OpenBB Terminal, providing users with a similar command line experience. Since it integrates seamlessly with the Platform extensions, the CLI will also be extensible and modular, easily adapting to your needs. As the extension ecosystem grows, so will the CLI capabilities.

Create extensions for your organization

Create extensions for your organization

By leveraging our open-source Platform, you can access the entire codebase and create custom extensions that you can keep private or make available to all OpenBB users.

Create extensions for your organization

Use our python library or a web api interface

We built the Platform with scalability and flexibility in mind. So, you can rely on our Python library or get financial data through a web API.

Use our python library or a web api interfaceUse our python library or a web api interface

Generate insights from datasets 10x faster

With our built-in charting capabilities, you can quickly analyze and visualize data, check data quality, and do your investment research much faster.

Use our python library or a web api interfaceUse our python library or a web api interface


"One of the only industries yet to be conquered by open source, OpenBB has unlocked what has been missing for a Quant to quickly become productive. With out-of-the-box aggregation of multiple sources of high quality data and provision of numerous sophisticated analysis tools, OpenBB Terminal 2.0 can help anyone perform investment research like a professional. And with the open and flexible new SDK, Python is the limit! We have successfully integrated OpenBB Terminal 2.0 using the SDK into our investment research workflows."

José Governo, CFA

TERA Capital

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