Dec 22, 2022 5 MIN

OpenBB Wrapped 2022

From announcing $8.5 million in funding, to releasing an SDK and AI/ML Toolkit, growing team to 20 people, featuring in London Stadium, building strong partnerships and much more...

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The OpenBB Terminal is discontinued. Please find out more about it here.

Thank you for supporting us

It’s the end of 2022 and what an exciting year this has been.

First of all, I want to thank everyone from the community for being so supportive since day one. Secondly, a big thanks to all our investors as without them, we wouldn’t be here. And finally, to all of our advisors for the lessons that have been shared and the time spent discussing our progress and future.

I so am grateful for all of you. But, I am mostly grateful to the team that we have built. This team that works day in, day out, to build the best investment research platform. I don’t have enough words for you all, so I asked my friend Chris to help…

What happened in 2022

In case you missed some of that information, you can check it out below:

  • We announced OpenBB and it's $8.5 Million seed round in March 2022. Gamestonk Terminal officially became OpenBB Terminal.

  • Our OpenBB Bot was launched in August 2022, which allows users to access financial data on Discord, and Telegram. 4 months in, more than 1 million commands have been run.

  • We launched OpenBB Terminal 2.0 and announced it on a live webinar with our community. In this, we announced:

As a teaser, we will show a new charting library the team has been working on.

OpenBB Terminal

  • Several successful events with academia and education happened. Some highlights include:

    • Presenting OpenBB Terminal to Warwick and Loughborough investment societies. More info here.

    • RMIT students building an attribution toolkit and providing feedback on their experience. Info here and here, respectively.

    • OpenBB being featured in the "Getting Started with Finance" course by PyQuant News. Watch it here.

    • OpenBB hackaton with Lisbon Data Science academy. Read about it here.

    • The OpenBB name was brought to the Nova SBE Portfolio Management Club but also universities, such as Utrecht University

  • We participated in the Web Summit 2022 where we met lots of people from the community and got to listen to feedback first hand. We reported our experience here.

  • Very strong partnerships were built with the likes of:

    • Data providers such as Polygon or Intrinio
    • Strategic with ML forecasting companies with Nixtla and Darts.
    • Academia like Oxford University, RMIT University, Warwick University, Loughborough University and Indiana University.
  • To top it off, we even feature at the London Stadium now.

OpenBB at London Stadium

  • In addition, we started celebrating each team member with individual blogposts about their story. You can find these here. Or, if you want to see our message from the OpenBB Team, you can find this here.

The community has been amazing so far, we couldn't ask for a better group of supporters and users relying on us on a daily basis. Not only have we crossed 150 unique contributors, but we have users building their own tooling on top of our OpenBB SDK which launched only a couple of weeks ago.

This is a very exciting time, and we cannot wait to see what the community builds. Here are some examples of products being build on top of our OpenBB SDK:

OpenBB Merchandise

After dozens of requests from the community, we have finally found the right place to offer OpenBB merch, Redbubble.

This took a little longer than expected, as several third party companies didn't fit one of our criteria:

  • Good quality

  • Handles worldwide logistics

  • Relatively inexpensive regardless of location

The merch price is decided by Redbubble and we have a 0% take home on this for OpenBB. We are not a clothing company, we just want our users to afford our merchandise at the same price our team does.

We value every single one of you and having you represent us at your universities, investment clubs and financial institutions means you stand with OpenBB and our mission of democratize investment research.

Check OpenBB Merchandise

We've started building our own OpenBB memories page, where we will share pictures of the community wearing OpenBB. If you have a picture wearing our merch, please feel free to share it with us at and we will display it on our website.

Let's accelerate transparency in the financial world, together.

2023, we are coming for you.


Didier Rodrigues Lopes

Explore the
Terminal Pro

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