Dec 18, 2023 3 MIN

Introducing the OpenBB Network

Join the OpenBB Network to leverage a community that educates, connects, and empowers investors and analysts alike.

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Since day 1 we have understood the power of investment communities. At the time I extracted a lot of value from reading due diligence posts on Reddit. In fact, Gamestonk Terminal was started to address such posts and be able to make that due diligence process, repeatable.

Once I was happy with the architecture of the terminal and its capabilities, I open-sourced it and shared it on Reddit. And the rest is history.

A few months later, we started building the OpenBB Bot. The main reason for this is that we understood the power of investing communities and wanted users to have access to financial data right from the core where they were interacting.

We believe in this so strongly that we recently open-sourced the OpenBB Bot - see the post here.

One of the feedbacks we got regarding the OpenBB Terminal is that users were interested in leveraging the vast access to financial data, BUT were interested in more freedom to build their apps.

Thus, we created the OpenBB Platform, which allows users to have access to financial data using a Python library or through a web API. This was announced recently, and you can find information about it here.

However, we started to have an issue.

Our users had to manage API keys from the terminal and platform. In addition, they needed to log into our bot dashboard to set up OpenBB Bot for free and configure its settings.

Our ecosystem was scattered.

So we fixed it. We built the OpenBB Hub as the central place where users access and manage all of OpenBB products.

Hub Users

Then, we doubled down on adding value to our ecosystem.

We introduced community routines. In a nutshell, this allows users to make investment research repeatable - something that had never been done before.

Community Routines

More importantly, this was our first step towards building our OpenBB network. A network where users can interact and learn from each other.

So far, examples we have seen so far are the following:

  • Professors create routines to share with students to run as part of their coursework
  • Analysts from organizations sharing routines among themselves
  • Investors copy routines from other users and build on top of them

Since users can create their profiles, they can learn more from one another and reach out on social media. Here's what a profile looks like:

Investor Profile

Soon, we will allow users to share their notebooks where they perform investment research. Our goal is to enable our network of quants and analysts to share their work with others.

We are not only focused on the learning component but also on increasing career opportunities - whether that is for as an analyst, asset manager, or quant.

We have seen users recruiting other users through our Discord server, which has a community of 14k+ users - and you can join for free here. Screenshot

Now, we will allow organizations to have more information on OpenBB regarding what they are doing with OpenBB.

We are building the ecosystem for analysts and quants.

One step at a time.

Join us on this journey. Sign up to the OpenBB Hub for free and make the best of your investor profile with the OpenBB Network!

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